Age of wonders: planetfall - dvar guide
Age of wonders: planetfall - dvar guide

age of wonders: planetfall - dvar guide

Put them together, and you can get two turrets for the price of one. The PUG has the ability to replenish the abilities of a unit. The Engineer has the ability to create a stationary turret once per combat, which can deal out a lot of damage, with the tradeoff of not being able to move. In a game where each army can only have six units, putting two support units on a team can be risky, but the PUG and the Engineer can make a powerful combination. Neither of these is a full combat unit, and both fulfill more support roles. Two units that can be unlocked by focusing on the general tab of the tech tree are Engineers and PUGs. This lets you fight multiple battles in quick succession without waiting for your armies to heal up out of combat. Even more importantly, if you haven’t used them on any units near the end of a battle, you can heal them up to full before taking the last shot to destroy your enemy. It’s useful for keeping your units alive in battle. It’s a free action, meaning that you can take another action afterwards. It can only be deployed once per battle, but here’s the catch. All it does is heal your units and apply a defensive buff to them for a few turns. This mod costs some resources to apply to units, some energy and some of a space ore called cosmite, but it is one of the most useful mods in the game, and ideally you should put it on every unit you can.

age of wonders: planetfall - dvar guide

What you want to focus on is the mod, Nanite Injectors. Nanite support does a few things, most of which you can ignore for now. The Vanguard technology tree has a technology called Nanite Support that it is useful to take early on.

Age of wonders: planetfall - dvar guide